Идиомы и выражения, обозначающие действия
Here we go again
Повторим ещё раз
talk big
выпендриваться, хвастаться
Go on, talk big! I'll soon have you purring like a kitten.
run for one's life
бежать, сломя голову
Simon continued to run for his life.
throw good money after bad
бросать деньги на ветер
You don't spend more money— in effect throw good money after bad.
cast a glance
бросить взгляд
Are there really that many women with that low of self-esteem that they would even cast a glance at a man like this?
put on a show
делать вид
The children are now at an age when they are fully aware of what is going on, so for their sakes Kate and Peter have decided to put on a show of union.
take turns
делать поочередно
The fact that you take turns attacking, of course, offers endless strategies.
make a nuisance of oneself
It regenerates into the entire reptile, which proceeds to destroy buildings and property and generally make a nuisance of itself.
play the fool
валять дурака
It's a guy walking around the streets playing the fool.
have smb on the string
вести на поводу
Olivia breaks off their relationship despite Rollo's attempts to keep her on the string.
out of sight
с глаз долой
Now get that dog out of my sight.
take for granted
воспринять как данность
What we take for granted might not be here for our children.
turn inside out
вывернуть наизнанку
Oh yeah, there's also a gigantic thing wandering around that looks like if you took a yeti and turned it inside out. Interesting premise.
make a show of
выставлять напоказ
The club wants blood, but Jax says they can't make a show of force.
break loose
вырваться на свободу
All hell is literally about to break loose as the eve to the magical Libria Solstice approaches
fall /be out of favor
впасть в немилость / быть в немилости
Du Barry has been complaining to the King that you will not address her, and you cannot afford to fall out of favor with the King.
be quits
быть в расчёте
As long as the check doesn't bounce, you and I are quits.
be at the end of one's tether
дойти до предела
I do feel I'm getting to the end of my tether with vampires of late.
set the pace
задавать темп
When you set the pace, you control the race.
keep pace with smb
They scurried along as fast as they can, trying to keep pace with the moving vehicle below.
Single-handed, through fog and sleet and snow, he daily risks his life in the cause of justice.
drive someone into a corner
загнать в угол
His efforts to provide himself with an alibi failed and he got driven into a corner.
hurt smb's pride
задеть самолюбие
A man was talking about a girl that had hurt his pride. He was in despair.
cover one's tracks
заметать следы
Harry was a great cop here in Miami. He taught me how to think like one; he taught me how to cover my tracks. I'm a very neat monster.
be up to smth
замышлять недоброе
You are up to no good!
catch smb unawares
застать врасплох
I have thought about how they so often catch us unawares.
take by surpirse
застать врасплох
I'm going to come around behind you now, sir. - Okay, Kryten, take me by surprise.
know smb by sight
знать в лицо
Cartwright, neither of which knows him by sight.
know one's place
знать своё место
I know my place. It is time you learn yours.
lead the way
идти во главе
Okay, big guy, you lead the way, uh...
run counter to smth
идти вразрез
As Martin notes, this runs counter to the ideal of the empathetic, hands-on modern dad.
go to all lengths
идти на всё
This man will go to all lengths to save his Love.
have a way with
иметь подход
I do have a way with the ladies, Lexie! It's my burden!
tempt fate
искушать судьбу
Don't tempt fate, girls — leave the Pandora's box of female sexuality and female creativity alone!
in smb's stead
вместо кого-то
You'll trust us to act in your stead.
get one's hand in / have a hand in smth
приложить руку
Not only has he developed a cool giant killer robot but he's got his hand in many other experiments--the most exciting of which is his invisibility formula.
make up for lost time
наверстать время
Soon, Jack's young, orphan brother Frankie arrives in town; while Tom and Doris vie for his friendship, the outlaw gang is hoping to make up for lost time.
go back on one's word
нарушить обещание
You can't go back on your word. I can do what I like. Help! Help!
begin the world
начать новую жизнь
We have it in our power to begin the world again.
keep one's nose out of smth
не совать нос в чужие дела
Why don't you keep your nose out of my family.
have a bite
Dave, why don't we order some room service, have a bite, relax.
do smb a good / bad turn
оказать хорошую / плохую услугу
Come on Cookie, you've helped him fuck up his life for the last five years, now do him a good turn.
on pain of smth
под угрозой
Brother Bender, do you accept the principles of Robotology on pain of eternal damnation in Robot Hell?
lose sight of
потерять из виду
Sorry I lost sight of you. I had to step outside for a smoke.
lose face
потерять лицо
He doesn't want to get beaten up, but on the other hand, he doesn't want to lose face in front of Bala.
cut smb down to size
сбить спесь
Cut him down to size, Jack!
settle a score
сводить счёты
Thanks for bailing me out, Dad. Can you drop me off at Rushmore? I got to go settle a score.
play a trick
сыграть шутку
That guy's wife must be pretty pissed off to play a trick like that.
get out of hand
отбиться от рук, выйти из-под контороля
I say we kill him, before this gets out of hand.
fall into the habit of
взять привычку
It's just a matter of settling back into the habit of writing every day.
learn one's lesson
извлечь урок
Oh, no. Not again. I learned my lesson.